Almost Home

“Almost Home” is a painting that will hold a special place in my memory. Some good friends approached me with an idea for a commissioned piece. They explained that for many years, they had admired a certain old stone house in the hill country.  They described how picturesque it was, especially surrounded by spring wildflowers, and how they had always dreamed of somehow buying the property and restoring the abandoned structure into a home of their own. They had been saddened to see much of the surrounding area cleared and developed, and they wanted to have their memory of the house captured in a painting. The structure has become known in this area as The Bluebonnet House, for obvious reasons, and I was incredibly excited to not only work on a piece that captured my interest, but also had such a special story attached to it.
I put a lot of effort into making the landscape and especially the house as accurate and detailed as I could, down to the placement of stones in the walls, and the weathered sheets of metal on the roof. The title, “Almost Home” was the final piece provided by the customers. For them, its meaning is twofold. When they would pass this house, they were “almost home” as far as arriving at their destination. But following their dream of one day buying the property, this iconic, long-empty, hill country house was indeed, almost home.

SIZE: 18″ x 24″

MATERIALOil on stretched linen

EDITION: Original 1 of 1