Take Flight


As some of you close to me know, this past year, as difficult as it has been on a national and global scale, has brought personal hardship and loss to me. While I may be predisposed to “find the silver lining” in dark times, my human nature wrestles to make sense of the inexplicable, and the temptation to give into despair or anger.

I know I am far from alone in that struggle. And there can be few sections of Scripture that simultaneously humble and encourage as effectively as the book of Job. In his lowest and darkest moments, Job’s human nature demanded an explanation from God. In a powerful display of his sovereignty, God responded with a magnum opus, detailing his complete understanding and utter control over all creation. He had not been absent during Job’s hardships. He had been and always will be over all things, and put simply, Job needed to be reminded of how small he was and how big God is.

The title of this pen and ink illustration is “Take Flight”. I shot photos of this hawk in the topmost limbs of a tree near my house. At the time, I thought little about what could come from them, except for art references. In the context of these verses however, “Take Flight” takes on additional significance. God reminds us in our hard times that even the instincts and movements of the birds are under His command. Who are we to question Him? On the other hand, if we can live with that understanding in our minds and assurance in our hearts, then the fact that He also promises to never leave or forsake us should give us the courage to rise up and take flight out of even the darkest times.

This illustration is in archival ink using the stippling technique (thousands of dots making up an image).

Original illustration available for purchase – contact me if interested!

SIZE: 14″x20″

MATERIALArchival ink on acid free fine art paper

EDITION: Limited edition of 100


Frame not included     –     print will ship rolled in a shipping tube